This is Brooke and me having a quick hug before we eat and had a blast in the limo! VERY fun times...... yes I know I said these would come sooner but they come when they come!lol DANCING!!!! I love dancing! Well I love it now!lolThat was a really fun night.... we got home at....... 2 or 3!lol But now me and my friends plan to wear our gowns and go somewhere and wear our gowns again! My Nathalie and me! On our way to the dance. Some of the best times is before a party..... I loved it We SO could have eaten the camera then and there!lol But it is a good picture none the
BABA!!!!!!! Great lady! We always have parties at her house for 4th of July! That day is her birthday...... I love Baba!
So where is the water balloon?lol I wasn't able to see the 5th one...... But Tristan sure did know where 3rd or 4th one where those were!lol I found it a minute later. I or Lee pushed it down to the bottoms.......
We fought for that balloon for a long We played monkey in the middle to get it. But I lost 10 to 20 min.s in the game!lol We fought to work on keeping the balloon away from who ever tried to get it.....
Autumn and I played catch before Lee played monkey in the middle with I was kind of blind since the sun was in my face. It was fun though..... I did injoy playing with Autumn though....
When we played with the water balloon we were continually looking away so the balloon wouldn't pop on us. It did once and I think I was the one that though Everyone seem to have had fun blaming the balloons to continally pop on me!lol It was fun.
These are some of the family members that came to graduation... this is Dawn, Baba, and Narice! (left to right)oh... the FAR left is my grandpa from my dad's side. My Baba is my mom's mom.
SISTER SISTER!lol My mom and Narice....well Aunt family is always there for you in life for the big and small things in life.... I'm happy I was able to get tickets for them....... I loved it when I saw them screaming and yelling at me waving like crazy........
We through our caps and we got to see fireworks! It rocked!!! 15 min.s packed into 3! It was amazing! We all loved it! Mind you all the seniours never really payd ANY attention to thsoe things only to find our friends and hug them saying "We did it!" and then run off to find more people!
This was my outfit! I loved it!!! I don't think my Baba was really happy that I wore it.......... I loved seeing everyones faces! They were all O.o My Aunt Nerice calls it her handkerchief! I thought it was too funny! I call all little skirts I see now a handkerchief. My friends find it funny but HEY! Thats me!
The tickets to get in! I worked my butt off to get!lol Mom's and I'm guessing Autumn's tickets....... That was a great night......
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* We walked through this and then went left and right to deferent ways...... I loved it...... sadly though I started to cry.... and kept it together.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* That is Nathalie and me walking...... I loved it so much...... if you look close you'll see me whipping tears and Nathalie is smiling and told me to keep close so we could talk!lol I LOVED it!!!!!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* This is us a few people away from walking across stage! I was so happy! 13 years of work was leaving us right then and flying trough our heads.
It was odd to think that that was happening..... Great times..........
It's a HENNA!!!!! It's SO cool! I loved it! My cousin did it for me It was the funnest thing ever! I went to Knot's the next day and heard tons of comments about it!lol I loved it! ^.^ Dad laughed at it he thought it would go up my neck and check he wanted me to get a tan line there!lol
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* This is Dawns henna...well... one of them... she had a different one on her hand... it was REALLY cool! I took this did that one for her. which was rather good for her first time... it looked like hard work... I loved them all...but I worn you all now... you wont have them as long as you want if you go
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* That was one of mom's Hennas..... It went all the way around...really cool to see it..... even though I haven't told her that I know she'll read this and well.......... she'll now know!lol She wanted balance so she had this henna done.....
Rooster Beware
(Wow--it's amazing how quickly time passes, and how long it's been since
I've blogged. I've had a crazy class this year (and at a new school) that
has co...