Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008

He has been e mailing me pictures and notes. He's hoping I'll be able to tell him where he is so he can get back home, and he's hoping to find me the perfect late birthday present while he's away.
Sometimes, when he sends the pictures, I'm not sure if they are possible gifts, or if they are clues as to where he is. If he does know where he is, he isn't saying. I don't think he wants to come home yet. I kind of AM mad at him (wait, he might read this) I'm NOT MAD AT HIM AT ALL and NO PUNISHMENT IS WAITING FOR HIM .... for you know getting in the bra while I shot him to who knows where.

Here are the pictures he sent me.
Party hat. He DID say he was on a hunt for the perfect party... this must be for the party ... not a clue to where he is ... because I sure don't have any idea where he saw this at.

"Birdy. Kitty like birdy. Right? I saw kitty eat birdy. Not pretty picture. Bad kitty. Oh look! Another kitty!"
Yes .... Mr. Banana is a BIG fan of the kitties.
"These are shoes? Looked like feet. Kitty and me taked them on..... It not really work. They still ran at us. So we run screaming "LIVING DEAD! RUN KITTY RUN!"
oh wow Mr. Banana you have GOT to be kidding me! Did you REALLY take on shoes!? ><
Mr. Banana, Kitty and I seem to all think that they are freaky and don't want them near us. heh heh
Is Mr. Banana in a bakery?
"S'birdy bait? We use get birdy? Feed kitty, yeah?"
No, you twit! That is human food. Think straight. Oh. Wait. Just try thinking.
"You kill my cousin. Traitor."
"Kitty! Join me on head! First one to top get's first birdy!" *gets to the top* "Now say Ahhhhh real big" *cough* "bug" *cough* *hack* *falls off* "AHHHH" O.O
My dear stupid friend. Why are you going on a giraffe's head to eat a birdy? Feel free to bring me a giraffe. Serves you right that you ate a bug.
Nice Morgan! Real beauty!
O.o *Reaches through computer* *Grabs banana* You stupid little ... I'm not going to say anymore.
oh boy Mr. Banana is getting desperate..... where is that Banana?!
Now he's sending me pictures of MEN?!? For my birthday present? (note to all: I have NO idea who these guys are! lol just having fun)
"Hannah? You tire of Gavin? This guy nice. He have kitty."
S'cuse me? Do you want to LIVE any longer? I am taken and THRILLED to be with Gavin.
"He looking at me funny. He hungry? No pick him."
You don't even cut it bub.
"Me think he lost his clothes. He need good home? He come to our home? You nice girl. He look like nice boy. What you think?"
Alright. He can be my big brother. I'll bug him to death. And then, I'll let him eat YOU Mr. Banana. How DARE you send me guys?!!
Have a good day gents
Anyone care to help me find that Banana so I can love him, and hold him, kiss him... *thinks the whole time* kill him, eat him, bite him, squeeze him, grrrrrrrrr he'll pay for this.
Friday, June 6, 2008
OMG! SO ME! ><
What type of Fae are you?
I couldn't help but have some fun with this... And.... yet I just saw that Mr. Banana was on my name! O.o AHHHH WHERE IS HE!?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

*whispers this to you all* It's Mr. Banana Squeaker's buddy on here, yeah i know she thinks I'm missing but I have to be quite so the dogs don't eat me.... yeah that red one don't look to happy I want my kitty.... where is Kitty?! I want to go find Squeaker's a perfect birthday so with out her knowing that I did this she wont be happy...

All of those lines are where I could be.... HELP! There are big doggies around me and one it TOUCHING ME! *runs off*
I'm watching you Mrs. Wendster.... how dare you call me dumb! OH LOOK ANOTHER KITTY! Comer here KITTY! OH YES Your picture will be great for this. Come here OUCH! *tears* he hurt me!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Google you name I dare all that go onto my name that is! lol
Q: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
A: Hannah needs a boyfriend
(funny I thought I had one lol)
Q: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
A: Hannah looks like a train wreck
(well I'm glad to hear that I look pretty *glare*)
Q: Type in "[your name] says" in Google search.
A: Hannah says she was almost kidnapped and sold into prostitution 30 years ago.
(strange I'm not 30 lol or older than 30... I'm younger)
Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
A: Hannah wants to save the world
Q: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
A: Hannah Does The Macarena
(Wow I'm talented I guess lol)
Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.
A: Hannah Hates Jake
Q: Type in "[your name] asks" in Google search.
A: Hannah asks Raven to make her a dress and goes to look at London's. However, when Hannah goes to look at the dress her ring gets caught in it and it tears
(hmmm kind of sounds like me ><)
Q: Type in "[your name] goes" in Google search.
A: Hannah Goes Down the Stairs
(fancy that I won't hurt myself this time ><)
Q: Type in "[your name] likes " in Google search.
A: Hannah likes Lemons
(NO I DON'T! lol lemon aid yes. Lemons NO! EW lol)
Q: Type in "[your name] eats " in Google search.
A: Hannah eats grass really
(Wow Google is weird! lol)
Q: Type in "[your name] wears " in Google search.
A: Hannah wears a hat
(I do?)
Q: Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in Google Search.
A:Hannah was arrested for criminal attempt-sexual assault of a child and online solicitation of a
(Oh my)
Monday, June 2, 2008
please heh heh I know I haven't gotten on in a while but don't worry, I've been on the hunt for Mr. Banana. Or as Speedy called him Banana man which in all truths it funny since the first thing that clicked to me when I read that was Bananas in pajamas lol *sigh* how much fun it is to be young. ^^
Either way Banana Buddy is gone. No I didn't eat him. yes missing heh heh I have been looking for him for a while and have had no luck. Spike will be helping me search tomorrow for that Banana hoping that the Raccoons haven't gotten to him yet.
Good night for now,
the hunt begins tomorrow.