Saturday, July 21, 2007

Graduation 2007!!!!! All about '07!!!!!!

The tickets to get in! I worked my butt off to get!lol Mom's and I'm guessing Autumn's tickets....... That was a great night......


We walked through this and then went left and right to deferent ways...... I loved it...... sadly though I started to cry.... and kept it together.


That is Nathalie and me walking...... I loved it so much...... if you look close you'll see me whipping tears and Nathalie is smiling and told me to keep close so we could talk!lol I LOVED it!!!!!


This is us a few people away from walking across stage! I was so happy! 13 years of work was leaving us right then and flying trough our heads.

It was odd to think that that was happening.....
Great times..........

1 comment:

Wendster said...

That's my baby. All grown up. SORT OF. ha. Seriously, I am really proud of you sweetie! You are going to do great.