Yes I have a job! >< VRROOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe It's REALLY fun now that I have my license!!! But Gavin seems to have fun and takes me to work. =/ heh heh This is my purse or at least ONE of them XD and the book that helped teach me what to do! AND!!!! I get to keep those menus in the back. SO if I want to be a server then I can learn from those.... The wines are what get me.... those are some evil names. Well I mean fancy names but I don't know how to say them.... yet Me in complete outfit.... it's okay but it's not all that easy making sure you have ALL of your things... so far so good. I haven't forgotten a thing yet... of corse I've only been working for like two days hahahahahaha Last picture before I said"MOM I have to go! I'll be late." so off I went to work...... Its kind odd to go to work I'm not used to it.... Like the tie? Gavin chose it for me when I went to go buy some. I love it and have different scents for all 3 ties! HAHAHAHA It's weird but fun to do that.... Tristan had this teddy bear picnic breakfast thing so mom put my things there and took pictures of all of it.... It's not hat bad. It's fun. well until you get ready to seat someone and they say " I want to talk to a manager once you seat us down ." =/ Well mother dearest is calling me off to chores >.<>
Rooster Beware
(Wow--it's amazing how quickly time passes, and how long it's been since
I've blogged. I've had a crazy class this year (and at a new school) that
has co...
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