I really LOVE this show. Becca and I watch it on youtube... only times I watch it are with her ^-^ TONS of fun.... well until they talk to fast and thy lose us in the dust! >< color="#ffcc00">This is Ichigo he is the main character in this anime show but has his fair share of side kicks ^-^ lol and of corese there is a girl ^-^ OH YEAH! lol The girl in the moon (if you didn't see her then look lol) she is the one that was taken back to her kind..... kind of confussing unless you watch the shows lol and I know not everyone likes to watching a show they don't understand but in the long run it's REALLY fun. ^-^
This is um..... Bebooboo I don't know how to say his name. lol But this is Gavin's compittion lol YEAH YEAH yeah I have a thing for an Anime character >< color="#cc33cc"> This man is the strongest out of ALL the people Ichigo fights and..... well I wont tell you you'll have to watch the shows and see. But the are GREAT fights ^-^
All these people in this picture are the "Death Gods" Ichigo fights. Yes he fights all. NO not at once like one REALLY big fight a day that takes the WHOLE day >< color="#99ff99">Yes I believe he een fights the old guy in the back lol
Ok so these are his side kicks and let me tell you the really can KICK butt! lol bottom left to the right: she is the girl they are saving she is a Death God as well but broke some laws so was taken back to be killed.... crazy I know. Next up is a REALLY strong guy! ><>The next guy hunts Death Gods and Hallows (looked for a pic. and didn't see a good one. Still looking) As for the girl she is a HUGE air head! And yet REALLY funny she has fairies that "heal and protect" as she says lol
As for this fellow.... He is a Death God but he's creepy he NEVER stops smiling! It's REALLY weird! lol
That looks like a cool show!
Let's all hear it for anime guys.
They are hot.
Not that we're looking.
lol I know... but the good thing is I DID tell gavin that I thought bebooboo WAS cute >< lol I'm not hidding it from him lol
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