JJ amd Nat two of my best friends ^-^ I don't really know what they were doing besides eatting the GREAT food her mom made.... JJ and ME! ^-^ That was a really fun night for all of us we all had fun ^-^ dancing.... we watched a movie... and kinda lit fierworks right at 12 lol This is Eze he is Gavin's BEST friend. I swear it to you they are PRETTY much brothers just... from different mom's hehehehe But he's great Going top left to bottom right: Me, Gavin, Nathan, JJ, Nat, Liana, and Eze it was 1:11 when we took this pic. ^-^ one of the first of that year =) Good times good times and more to come ^-^ left to right JJ, Mrs. Aunty, Nat, and Me ^-^ the party was dieing down and so were our sugar highs hahahaha
Rooster Beware
(Wow--it's amazing how quickly time passes, and how long it's been since
I've blogged. I've had a crazy class this year (and at a new school) that
has co...
So many parties out there!
So little time.
Which party to go to first?
New post? :) ?
I love when you have new posts!!!
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