Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Vid # 2 of Knotts spinnig

So I don't know if this is the same one yet.... we'll all see soon lol Lets all hope it's the other one >< But this is in the middle of the ride... there is talking in it so.. don't worry nothing bad though ^^ I promise. Gavin knows I don't like bad words... any worse than hell and I hate it ^^ lol But either way the other guy talking in this video is Bobby, you should all be able to tell when I'm talking or when Brooke is talking ^^ lol

Well dinner is ready and so I'm going to drag myself to the table because I'm SO hungry XP hope they are the different videos lol


Wendster said...

My sound doesn't work. I assume the words were:

This ride spins alot.

ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha aaaaaaaaaaauuggghhhhhhhhhhhh.

I wanna get off!


Squeakers said...

lol KIND OF! lol More like
Me: LETS get MORE FRIES and another MILK SHAKE! ^^
Me: Gavin? You ok? I said you didn't have to get on this!
Gavin: Since Bobby went on I had to go on. Blame it on Bobby

(something a long those lines lol)