So my friends I have GREAT news!!! ^^ My Astronomy teacher is good friends with an editor. Brooke (friend of mine) told our teacher that I wrote stories... well our teacher Ms. Janet told me about her friend and that she'd send me her e mail... I now have her e mail now I'm on the LONG road into thinking what would be good to say to her ><
This is Daniel, he is a vampire in the story Becca and I have written. This is one of the stories I have faith in lol
That is Elizabeth up there she is the eldest out to the two girls that run away from home. Once they were deep into the forbidden forest they run into Daniel(man up there that looks 17 or so) and the rest of his group decide to have fun in scaring them. Which leaves them with two mortal girls and one furious Leader. hehehe
This is Anna as you can see up there she is the little sister that has a thing for Daniel the first day or night she meets him in the forest.
My sister and I are trying to think of a good last name for the girls. We don't like Tucker.
We were thinking a long the lines of our family history... do any of you have a last name in your family history that would sound good for a vampire, werewolf, and elf story? If so PLEASE leave it in the comment box ^^ thank you
Rooster Beware
(Wow--it's amazing how quickly time passes, and how long it's been since
I've blogged. I've had a crazy class this year (and at a new school) that
has co...
13 years ago
How about blood sucker?
The Howls? (Thurston Howl the Third)
(Gilligan's Island reference)
Ummm ... I actually LIKE Tucker very much.
I'll keep thinking.
There was a finacial co. in Boston, Tucker Anthony & R.L. Day, you can google it.
Another big Tucker Foundation thing going on up at Dartmouth College.
Tucker is good.
OK I got one for you right from my family history:
Annastacia Delaney
...granted it doesn`t project like Barnabus Collins, but its not too shabby.
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