You are a vampire. You've lived all your life in a mansion in the woods. You live with many other vampires, and you are all lonley. Strangly, you are all male as well. You hear of the Sadie Hawkin's Dance at the local high school and send an invitation to them to use the mansion, provied that the girls show up an hour and a half early. The day arrives. And when the hour and a half is up and you're positive no more are coming, you lock the gates and go great your new gests who are now perminite members of the mansion.
Gaian Name: Geze_35
Character Name: Keith
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 19 but is really 205
Bio: He is a vampire and had never really been out side of the house that he has lived in. He normally stays in his room reading about humans and other different things. He likes to hang out… with those that will hang out with him that is.
Personality: Very nice to those that are nice to him, those that are ticked off he normally tends to stay away from them. He loves to dance and seems to be the one that blasts music through the house and get yelled at for it. He loves animals and really likes to looks at spiders and study them. He lets them go after a while but enjoys looking at them. He got a tattoo of one a few years ago. He’s not really used to it. He sometimes thinks it’s real.
Other: has a spider tattoo on the inside of his right arm
Gaia Name: InShadowUFindMECharacter
Name: Alexandria (Alex for short)
Gender: Female BABY! ><
Age: 18
Bio: Alex has lived a life that others lived (good dad scary mom.) but is one that wont take no for an answer. She makes plenty of friends but they never seem to be the right ones. They are the ones that normally drink and do drugs; she does nothing that would ruin her body. She loves it as much as the next person... or so she hopes. She is a senior and is dyeing to move out and into her own place with a friend. Her mother was abusive to her till she stood up for herself (at 16 yr.s old) and is now very jumpy when someone flings their hands up next to her. She’ll doge them and back away from you until you lower your hands again (she quick on her feet because of her mother).
Personality: She loathes it when someone tells her what to do unless your are her mother and you are screaming and yelling at her to do it she wont budge from her spot. She may seem spoiled but is NOTHING close to it. She works for what she gets and is happy to get it. She looks like a pure goody good but is more of the one you don't want to screw with. She loves to read and will take a book with her every where she goes. She isn't much of a dancer unless a guy takes her out and leads... other than that she is hopeless at all costs’. Alex tends to be a smart a** to others and has fun scaring people. How could you go wrong with scaring?
Other: She is ALWAYS in jeans and a T-shirt or tang top... her father is trying his best to get her into more girl’s type clothes. He’s been teaching her new words like "Shopping, and pastel colors." (she hates the sound of those words) As for the Cheerleaders... she hates them they were far to sweet for their own good.
Yes yes this is a guy! lol No you aren't seeing things I have two names on this website I'm on www.gaiaonline.com (I'll post the two names I have up next and explain it up there lol) I'm SO addicted to this that I just HAD to get a guy name so I could act out one of them lol I couldn't help it. lol I just couldn't.
T.T Mr. Banana I need your help.... now please listen.
Hmmm okay okay I'll listen TO MUSIC! ^^ *bobs to music*
*smacks my forehead* Mr. banana.... Mr. Banana...... MR BANANA!
*takes head phones off* what I can't listen to music if you're shouting like that you can talk to me nice and quite and I'll here you.
*sigh* yeah sure. I need to know what to do for my birthday..... any ideas?
STOP YELLING! *smacks forehead* we are going no where with this Banana.....
laters you guys