Wednesday, May 28, 2008

He's SO PRETTY! ^^

Isn't he a doll!? He is a Dapple Gray. Yes I know he doesn't look like a dapple but he is but the funny thing about him...
..... his name...... is Hannah Otto. to be exact! HAHAHA! I find it TOO funny! ^^ And he is TOO cute to be given a girly name! lol I know he's a gelding so that makes me wounder.... is he gay? lol (I don't mean to be mean just joking here lol)

I don't know how the little fellow is but isn't he cute too! AWWWWWWW I want them both! lol Just the problem is. He is 4 years old and well he wont be cheap since he is SO young.... he's 1,800 ><>

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What is down below is now on Top

So I noticed that my mom is the only one seeming to be worried about this... or should I word this as curious! lol I will now add what was in the dotted area. lol So you know what I was talking about. lol It looks like a crazy rainbow!

Alright fokes! THIS IS IT! The count down HAS TO START! I can't wait any longer! I was going to wait for at least another month(Breaking Dawn is comeing and I'm going to die from waiting!) BUT GAH! NOPE NOPE NOPE! I CAN'T DO IT! Gavin (boyfriend) says I can and I'll till that WONDERFUL DAY COMES! MAN OH MAN! What a SPLENDID day that will be! I'll be so happy I might cry with how happy I'll be, and of cores Gavin and everyone will be some what laughing at me(About how freakin CRAZY I'll look when I get my hands on that book! lol) The noise the happiness when everyone is there to see this(Amazing beauty of a book!) it's coming(August 2nd... say it with me! lol) I know it is just time! IT'S just that time bubble(I don't want to wait for the time bubble to any more I want it here and I want it NOW! lol) where you know something is coming(Like I said BREAKING DAWN! is coming out! AHHHHH!) but you don't know when it is yet(I dont know when that book will be in my reach but I'll sure make sure it's soon! lol) and to think this will be one of the best days in my life(I had to actually take the book by force away from an ex- friend becuase she wouldn't give it back so I could read it again.) I mean I don't know of many happy moments that will always be remembered(Like TWILIGHT! NEW MOON! ECLIPSE!... oh wait... I'm missing something... oh yeah Ann Rice! ^^ jk jk jk marriage is on that list of happiness! lol) you know there is that one thing that(drives you to the brink of happiness (for a teen like me it's books! lol For you older people I think it's something different! lol ><)) hits the spot(like I said Breaking dawn is coming out soon and covers are now starting to pop up every where! lol They are very pretty mind you! lol) Am I right or Am I right!? Come now I'm right here! Trust me! ^^ Agreeeeeeee with me! TRUUUUUUUUUST MEEEEEEEEE! Everyone that is not saying yes with me has serious trust issues with teens! lol (And like that says up there if you didn't agree with me then you have trusting issues! lol)

Oh yes... Mr. Banana is missing ><>

Good night to you all and I hope you all have a GREAT day! ^^
ER.... well night I guess lol

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Count down

Alright fokes! THIS IS IT! The count down HAS TO START! I can't wait any longer! I was going to wait for at least another month.... BUT GAH! NOPE NOPE NOPE! I CAN'T DO IT! Gavin (boyfriend) says I can and I'll till that WONDERFUL DAY COMES! MAN OH MAN! What a SPLENDID day that will be! I'll be so happy I might cry with how happy I'll be, and of cores Gavin and everyone will be some what laughing at me...... The noise the happiness when everyone is there to see this... it's coming.... I know it is just time! IT'S just that time bubble.... where you know something is coming.... but you don't know when it is yet.... and to think this will be one of the best days in my life... I mean I don't know of many happy moments that will always be remembered.... you know there is that one thing that.... hits the spot... Am I right or Am I right!? Come now I'm right here! Trust me! ^^ Agreeeeeeee with me! TRUUUUUUUUUST MEEEEEEEEE! Everyone that is not saying yes with me has serious trust issues with teens! lol

Bugger the phone is ringing..... I'll post the rest of this later. ^^ have a great day!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Party 2008

19! oh yeah!The first bites of wheat being savored for a matter of a mila second and then another mila second a savoring.... yeah I didn't really savor much I inhaled much hehehehe ^^ My first pop tart since last year up there! Oh yeah that was good! SO SO SO SO SO good! You have NO idea how LUCKY you are to those foods you guys... you may say they aren't healthy and are bad for you or what ever your excuse maybe.... your are VERY blessed to eat those foods. Cakes, cookies, bread! PASTA! (mind you I didn't get that.... *tear* I'll live)
Yes that is a spider web fabric..... the theme mom thought of was Gothic.... Vampire... dark theme.... man oh man I have never felt SO welcome! HAHAHA In all truth I look like the biggest goody good to walk this earth... but there is a VERY dark side of me that just LIVES for the vampires and Werewolves... and yes my family thinks I'm a vampire lol Ask one of them and they'll list off what I've done to make them think I'm a vampire.
ORANGE CHICKEN! OK OK SO..... you know that pop tart up there? Well.... there was at least 30 of those.... but one box of Orange chicken...... yep.... just one.... I knew on my way over I should have stopped by and gotten at least 4.... but didn't.... I'll end this pictures comment by Robert left this fight with a scratch on his hand and 3 pieces of Orange chicken.... I don't share all to well when it comes to my FAVORITE FOOD lol
Cookie dough.... oh oh oh oh oh lol I really forgot about how bad it tasted hahaha No lie.... that really didn't. But the cookies were.... (no there are no pictures of cookies lol)
Question of the day! ^^ Do you see the bat up there? If not I did my best to show you where it was.

Yes I know that is not a whole bat.... but I couldn't see where the rest of his body was ><>
Bra on the head time! lol I really don't know what I was doing.... I saw bra's on the head on the chest.... but never over the eyes.... SO why not have Random Hannah be the random one and do it!? lol Well yeah I did indeed keep the bra over my eyes the whole time.... well that is until I had to walk and no one wasn't helping me out lol
I was giving a game plan on to where we were going to shoot dough nuts who should get what and which way everyone should shoot.
No I was NOT alone with the crazy bra's..... Thankfully enough Becca was crazy enough to join me with the partial eye covering.
Mom was the greatest at that party! She did SO much to make that party a BLAST for me! It meant a lot to me too.... That was really the only party I had this year for my birthday... even though they were going through hard times she still got me things I wanted.... and that meant a lot to me. She really is a great lady you guys and I know you know that just by what she posts. She's done SO much even though she has little to spend..... I got two of the best presents that day. Mom's love and happiness through out the whole party.... and a picture of a horse from Lee... (I am crying right now you guys just so you know that I'm not lying about how much this meant to me.) I love you mom and Thank you SO much for that great party.... it was tooo much fun I will never forget that great day we had wearing bra's on our heads and not caring if we were randomly shouting dough nuts in the air.
Have a great day you guys,

Monday, May 19, 2008


Mr. Banana will be back soon he is determined to think of something good for my birth day..... *sigh* even though it has already past we'll see what he comes back with. ^^



3rd Favorite 2nd story

OK so like I said I have TWO names... let us not forget that shall we? lol Sadly I forgot about this fellow down there I should have added him into the count and didn't. This is my 3rd favorite one.... but the second one I joined.... make sence? I hope so lol

You are a vampire. You've lived all your life in a mansion in the woods. You live with many other vampires, and you are all lonley. Strangly, you are all male as well. You hear of the Sadie Hawkin's Dance at the local high school and send an invitation to them to use the mansion, provied that the girls show up an hour and a half early. The day arrives. And when the hour and a half is up and you're positive no more are coming, you lock the gates and go great your new gests who are now perminite members of the mansion.

Gaian Name: Geze_35

Character Name: Keith

Gender: Male

Age: Looks 19 but is really 205

Bio: He is a vampire and had never really been out side of the house that he has lived in. He normally stays in his room reading about humans and other different things. He likes to hang out… with those that will hang out with him that is.

Personality: Very nice to those that are nice to him, those that are ticked off he normally tends to stay away from them. He loves to dance and seems to be the one that blasts music through the house and get yelled at for it. He loves animals and really likes to looks at spiders and study them. He lets them go after a while but enjoys looking at them. He got a tattoo of one a few years ago. He’s not really used to it. He sometimes thinks it’s real.

Other: has a spider tattoo on the inside of his right arm

It's the night of the Sadie's hawkins dance. The best part is that some rich dude is letting the school use the mansion in the woods for the dance. His only request is that the girls come an hour early. You think it's weird, but go with it. Everyone in your town has always wondered about the mansion. You get there the prerequested hour early and wait. Nothing happens. An hour later, you hear a loud noise. You look out the window. The gates are shut. You are trapped.

Gaia Name: InShadowUFindMECharacter

Name: Alexandria (Alex for short)

Gender: Female BABY! ><

Age: 18

Bio: Alex has lived a life that others lived (good dad scary mom.) but is one that wont take no for an answer. She makes plenty of friends but they never seem to be the right ones. They are the ones that normally drink and do drugs; she does nothing that would ruin her body. She loves it as much as the next person... or so she hopes. She is a senior and is dyeing to move out and into her own place with a friend. Her mother was abusive to her till she stood up for herself (at 16 yr.s old) and is now very jumpy when someone flings their hands up next to her. She’ll doge them and back away from you until you lower your hands again (she quick on her feet because of her mother).

Personality: She loathes it when someone tells her what to do unless your are her mother and you are screaming and yelling at her to do it she wont budge from her spot. She may seem spoiled but is NOTHING close to it. She works for what she gets and is happy to get it. She looks like a pure goody good but is more of the one you don't want to screw with. She loves to read and will take a book with her every where she goes. She isn't much of a dancer unless a guy takes her out and leads... other than that she is hopeless at all costs’. Alex tends to be a smart a** to others and has fun scaring people. How could you go wrong with scaring?

Other: She is ALWAYS in jeans and a T-shirt or tang top... her father is trying his best to get her into more girl’s type clothes. He’s been teaching her new words like "Shopping, and pastel colors." (she hates the sound of those words) As for the Cheerleaders... she hates them they were far to sweet for their own good.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

An addiction =.(

Yes it's true it says addiction on there heh heh I have one.... and a VERY bad one at it too. It's RPing. Rping stands for Roll Playing. You play out a character you invented (just so you know I didn't draw these they were all from and you act them out to who knows how long... until they move out, die, run away, ect. ect. But yeah. lol I see everyone always talking about things... and I don't know what to talk about most of the time so I'm just going to be VERY random with these blogs! ^^ enjoy!
OK so just so you know now... I have two names yes I'm THAT madly in love with RPing I have names.

this is my main one and yes... she is a vampiress

ok ok so after an hour of debating on how I was going to do this (no lie it really was an hour. (Becca kept shouting at me for being on) but yeah) So I now know what I'm going to do lol I'm going to go one RP at a time with the story line and ALL! ^^
We're starting with my favorite one that I've been on for a while now lol

Story: A long time ago the vampires were the ones who were always hiding in the shadows of the night, living in hunger at the edge of becoming instinct. They started to live in larger houses and started attacking more frequently in a period but then totally stopped. For twenty years they didn’t make one attack and people thought that they were gone forever and started living normal and happy lives with their families. Soon… everything was forgotten and then the vampires saw their chance too attack and as the day sky turned into night in a split second the vampires stormed out of their mansions and attacked the humans. Didn’t take long before the humans surrendered too these immortal beings.The vampires celebrated for a long time but under the surface an internal war was raging amongst them. The males had been taking immediate control over everything and the female vampires were greatly unsatisfied with this and one night they took a big decision and killed as many of the males as possible and those who weren’t killed, fled out of town.You should think this was enough for them but no. Soon they got bored just being around the other females and realised they missed the males there… but they liked the control they had. What they did now was too go around town searching for female humans… young as old… and when that was done… they were all killed leaving the men alone in this town with the female vampires. If a female human tried too enter the town she was killed on sight… But if a male was going in there… he was either captured or if he was lucky he would have too fight for his life till the day he could escape.Those who are captured have almost no hope of returning too their old lives, some have found out of this when they finally escaped too a nearby town and were burned like witches in the middle ages. There was no hope at all for them it seemed.Some of those who had escaped their vampire masters, hadn’t gotten out of town but formed small rebel armies who targeted the elimination of all the vampires, but were often just taken back into slavery.
Our story will be focusing on:
5 male entering a city1
rebel squad of 3
8 powerful vampires
How will this end?
Only time will tell.

ok so that is the story line.... sweet I know lol So since I'm MADLY in love with vampiers I of cores am a vampire and a human. HEY! I said up there I have two names! lol But I am bad and have 3 names on there. 2 vampiers and on 1 human I don't really know how to explain this yet so yeah.. heh heh

Gaia Nickname: InShadowsUFindMe

Name: Zella

age: 114 (but looks 19)

Bio: Zella tries to always look on the bright side of things but doesn’t seem to get far. Since it’s so dark with the clan she stays in her room and read; and tries to keep away from those that only whine. She’s asked the others countless of times what happened to the other men and why there are only mortal men and no women as well… she wondered what they were like… She’s even asked her mother... But fears that her mother will go into hysterics about her daughter being crazy again so does her best to stay clear of her mother as well at times; which seems to hurt her mother since she lost her two sons and husband and refuses to tell her how and why. She was a year old when the whole killing broke out and blocked it from her memory do to how traumatizing it was. Zella tries her luck more often with the rather young she vampires; yes they are pretty much older than her but still hopes that they’ll accept her as a friend and talk to her and not call her crazy. Zella is convinced that she was a cat in another life time now having to live a partial human life. She is a smart a** to the mortals and sometimes the others in the clan but knows when to shut up and run for cover; or when to stand and fight. She did that once and now no longer sees in her left eye she’s not sure why her eye hadn’t healed after the fight but it didn’t it was under a year ago so she is still jumpy at times when you walk on that side of her and she didn’t hear you.

Personality: Zella is a smart a** that likes to play around and have fun with what the night gives her. She acts like a cat at times just to make people laugh and so they’d like her. She tries her best to stay away from the higher ups when they are mad she’s seen what they can do and doesn’t want much to do with them. She is very sweet at times and then again can be a real brat to those that are mean back. Playing games and bothering the mortal is her second nature. She loves to watch them get scared and scurry around trying to find cover before she does the final scare. She loves the smell of fear at night. Just one problem is… is that she is well known for getting hurt and crashing into things do to the lack of sight in her eye.

Powers: Stealth speed, and strong eye sight in the one eye she still has.

Other: Her eye looks like nothing is wrong with it but she can’t see a thing with it not even shadows. If you do come up on her blind side she does attack even if you’re a higher up she doesn’t always catch your scent fast enough to know who’s who. She works hard on catching scents when she hears people but that is a weakness of hers. She doesn’t smell all to well either and, normally wears her hair in a pony tail or a braid down her back unless there is something special going on.

Name: Kathy Piper (Kat for short)
age: 17 (just turned in the last two three weeks)

Bio: She and her mother ran from the she vampiress when they attacked. After 5 to 6 years in hiding she was turned and her mother was killed. (Her mother was kind enough to let the man into their home and that’s when he attacked them.) She was turned by one of the male vampires that had run away. He left her to die in the forest she was told to stay away from her brother and that if she went to go see him she’d regret it. She is really confused with this whole thing not sure what to do besides find the palace and see if they’ll help her.

Personality: She was VERY sweet, kind, loving always happy; and tried to make friends with everyone that passed by. But now that she is a freshly turned vampiress she doesn’t really know what to do and so she is a little rude and scared to even act like herself.

Powers: She doesn’t know yet.

other: Doesn't want to live but doesn't know how to die. and Wants to find her brother and father again. (she comes to find out that her powers are teleporting and amazing smelling)

Yes yes this is a guy! lol No you aren't seeing things I have two names on this website I'm on (I'll post the two names I have up next and explain it up there lol) I'm SO addicted to this that I just HAD to get a guy name so I could act out one of them lol I couldn't help it. lol I just couldn't.

Gaia Nickname: Geze_35
Name: Vince Piper

age: 20

Bio: He is furious with the vampires that killed his mother and sister and ruined his father. He has never killed a vampire but has been taking pictures of them and studying about the ones that go out more often then the others. Doesn’t like that the other men fear the vampiress. He is willing to go and fight but, is scared to think that he’d leave his father.

Personality: Nice, smart, daring, sometimes a chicken, but when in danger he is one of the things you do not want to cross paths with. Doesn’t really think before acting.

Rank: Soldier

weapons: Camera (those things can hurt… I know I got hit in the head with one >< )

other: Wants revenge for his mother and sisters death
(and no he doesn't know that his sister still lives)

this just in... my sister used my nail polish to paint her toes to match her bathing suit

lol have a GREAT day! ^^ I'll post the next stor soon

Thursday, May 15, 2008

drowning Twilight

Well I just read that my dear mother dropped my beloved book in the bath tub..... *sigh* I wounder which one it was....
So the movie is coming out soon and here are some quotes of what is said in the book
if you've read the books you know the quotes
and no I'm not going to say which book they are all in
to tell you the truth I don't really remember which book the all were either
But back to this main reason why this was posted

The book...... it drowned........ and so my hunt begins for a new one....... again lol
then again.... I still don't know which one was dropped into the water
so I guess I must hope it wasn't the first one.... since that one does mean more to me than the second one
Just the first one is SO much better than that one lol so I hope that one is still safe

I hope that it will dry out and not get all moldy and stuff *shudder* *shudder* One can hope can't they?
So mom I hope you now know that we have something to talk about when i come over again.... I was brushing my teeth when I thought hey why not see what mom posted.... well.... now that I know what you posted I will now have something to think about during work... besides what I want to do tomorrow.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mr. Banana

What is this? A sigh?! No sigh comes from banana I m- OH LOOK A KITTY! Come here kitty kitty kitty! Oh you're so CUTE! Awwwww Squeakers isn't the kitty cute?

T.T Mr. Banana I need your help.... now please listen.

Hmmm okay okay I'll listen TO MUSIC! ^^ *bobs to music*

*smacks my forehead* Mr. banana.... Mr. Banana...... MR BANANA!

*takes head phones off* what I can't listen to music if you're shouting like that you can talk to me nice and quite and I'll here you.

*sigh* yeah sure. I need to know what to do for my birthday..... any ideas?




STOP YELLING! *smacks forehead* we are going no where with this Banana.....
laters you guys

What do you mean!? I do a good job with parties! Oh look the kitty is back! ^^ Come back here you cute kitty. Awwww look the kitty is happy. I love you too oh yes I do kitty.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 12, 1989

was the day I was born! ^^ And well.... it's coming time for another party! I'll be 19 this year! And Yet....... I don't know what to do for a party.....
Yes all these pictures consist of happy People with cake.... and don't worry I will EAT CAKE! lol Just don't know what to do other than eat the wheat I want to eat lolIf that makes sense in anyway shape or form lolBut all in all just thought it's be something fun to share! ^^

ok... so I DON'T have a spouse.... oh well

So I've seen my mom do these and I'm now wanting to see if these are fun too so I'm doing this even if I don't have a spouse

1) George Clooney (Brad Pitt ... Nicole Kidman ... you pick one) tells YOUR spouse he will pay ONE MILLION DOLLARS to spend one night with you. The evening's activities have not been specified. Would your spouse agree to it knowing that you will NEVER get to tell him what you did that evening? lol It's a no. lol And even if there was him debating I'd say no to it even if Gavin said yes.

2) Same question, but this time it’s a car salesman from Cincinnati named George Clooney. HAHAHAHAHA................................................ no

3) If you could have the house of your dreams (no "reality" limitations), where SPECIFICALLY would it be and what features would it have? Details please. ...
1. Two story house; country side but not too far from the city so my friends and family wouldn't be bored when ever they came to visit me. Horses, cats, and dogs, with 5 chickens, at least 10 aceres of land with TONS of green lushes grass for the horses. A stable that always had a few open stalls when ever someone needed me to take in a horse that needed a place. There always is tack for ALL of the horses there. with supplies to fix them (I want to do all the cleaning in those stall and fixing by myself no help from robots) AND.... I owned the land and everything on it with no payments needed for anything ^^

4) If a kid fairy could wave a magic wand over your children (yes, I know they are already perfect) and remove ONE character trait or habit, which one would you have removed?
.... hmmm well I don't have any kids.... so I'm going to skip this one lol

5)Someone’s buying you ANY pet you want. It is guaranteed to love you and be house broken / tame. What kind do you want? Great Dane ^^ and his name would be Nox

6) Many people feel they lack talent. What talent do you think you lack that you wish you had in spades? Being relaxed in a tense situation

7) Would you spend a whole weekend in a "family values" clothing optional resort? They'll give you a day to “find your feet”, but after that they'll be expecting you to join them in their clothing free activities. (dining, square dancing, swimming, badminton ... and yoga). So... be nude? With a group of people.... *gets a thought of what it would look like and be like* O.o EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OH! NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! THE PICTURE WAS WRONG! BLAH! I'M OUT OF HERE!