19! oh yeah!The first bites of wheat being savored for a matter of a mila second and then another mila second a savoring.... yeah I didn't really savor much I inhaled much hehehehe ^^ My first pop tart since last year up there! Oh yeah that was good! SO SO SO SO SO good! You have NO idea how LUCKY you are to those foods you guys... you may say they aren't healthy and are bad for you or what ever your excuse maybe.... your are VERY blessed to eat those foods. Cakes, cookies, bread! PASTA! (mind you I didn't get that.... *tear* I'll live) Yes that is a spider web fabric..... the theme mom thought of was Gothic.... Vampire... dark theme.... man oh man I have never felt SO welcome! HAHAHA In all truth I look like the biggest goody good to walk this earth... but there is a VERY dark side of me that just LIVES for the vampires and Werewolves... and yes my family thinks I'm a vampire lol Ask one of them and they'll list off what I've done to make them think I'm a vampire. ORANGE CHICKEN! OK OK SO..... you know that pop tart up there? Well.... there was at least 30 of those.... but one box of Orange chicken...... yep.... just one.... I knew on my way over I should have stopped by and gotten at least 4.... but didn't.... I'll end this pictures comment by Robert left this fight with a scratch on his hand and 3 pieces of Orange chicken.... I don't share all to well when it comes to my FAVORITE FOOD lol Cookie dough.... oh oh oh oh oh lol I really forgot about how bad it tasted hahaha No lie.... that really didn't. But the cookies were.... (no there are no pictures of cookies lol) Question of the day! ^^ Do you see the bat up there? If not I did my best to show you where it was.
Yes I know that is not a whole bat.... but I couldn't see where the rest of his body was ><> Bra on the head time! lol I really don't know what I was doing.... I saw bra's on the head on the chest.... but never over the eyes.... SO why not have Random Hannah be the random one and do it!? lol Well yeah I did indeed keep the bra over my eyes the whole time.... well that is until I had to walk and no one wasn't helping me out lol I was giving a game plan on to where we were going to shoot dough nuts who should get what and which way everyone should shoot. No I was NOT alone with the crazy bra's..... Thankfully enough Becca was crazy enough to join me with the partial eye covering. Mom was the greatest at that party! She did SO much to make that party a BLAST for me! It meant a lot to me too.... That was really the only party I had this year for my birthday... even though they were going through hard times she still got me things I wanted.... and that meant a lot to me. She really is a great lady you guys and I know you know that just by what she posts. She's done SO much even though she has little to spend..... I got two of the best presents that day. Mom's love and happiness through out the whole party.... and a picture of a horse from Lee... (I am crying right now you guys just so you know that I'm not lying about how much this meant to me.) I love you mom and Thank you SO much for that great party.... it was tooo much fun I will never forget that great day we had wearing bra's on our heads and not caring if we were randomly shouting dough nuts in the air. Have a great day you guys, Squeakers
It was so nice to hear that the party meant so much to you. And so nice that you noticed the type of sacrifice it takes as parents sometimes to make things happen. But it was worth it. I would do anything to make my Hannah banana smile. I'm smiling ear to ear knowing that this party rocked your socks. Thanks for making time for it in your so busy schedule. That means a lot to me too. I love you Hannah Banana. I'm so glad you chose my family to grow up in. You could have chosen any place on the whole planet, and you chose me. That rocks pretty hard. I feel lucky that you picked me. I wish us many more happy years to come. Love! Mommy
Rooster Beware
(Wow--it's amazing how quickly time passes, and how long it's been since
I've blogged. I've had a crazy class this year (and at a new school) that
has co...
1 comment:
It was so nice to hear that the party meant so much to you. And so nice that you noticed the type of sacrifice it takes as parents sometimes to make things happen. But it was worth it. I would do anything to make my Hannah banana smile. I'm smiling ear to ear knowing that this party rocked your socks. Thanks for making time for it in your so busy schedule. That means a lot to me too.
I love you Hannah Banana. I'm so glad you chose my family to grow up in. You could have chosen any place on the whole planet, and you chose me. That rocks pretty hard. I feel lucky that you picked me. I wish us many more happy years to come.
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