Just hoping on... like anyone cares lol Eh oh well... Kinda feel like that girl up there at peace when I'm in Gavin's arms. Lets see it's almost 1 and I work at 4 been staying out of trouble. Happy to be alive... after all I did kind of tell Gavin my life isn't something to fret over.... I believe that was the first time I saw him scary lol He wasn't happy at all with me. =/ could have thought it was the end of the world... it's pushing a 100 at the moment here in the house at Dad's and I don't think anyone will read this... only mom.... lol Well either way. Just blogging... kind of losing hope on Frank Banana....
Let's see.... anything else good happen lately... Gavin's brother Matt Graduated last night proud of him for that lol He will be going to Cal Polly lol I don't think he has a job though We all kind of hit him on the back of the head for that... saying he was a ding dong... (well I said that everyone else kind of called him other words. ><>
Oh wow I'm typing to much... this is kind of turning into a journal... I need to stop now lol
Hannah A.k.a Squeakers
what does that mean? My life is nothing to fret over?
Your life is whatever you make of it. As big or as little as you make it.
Anything is possible.
Why make it small with comments like: "It's nothing to fret over?"
Good for Gavin for kicking your butt. Now kick your OWN butt and quit talking to yourself like that.
Ma me san
O.o wow.... sorry didn't think that I was still going to get chewed out for that....
Mom should kick your butt for fishing for complements. You have lots going for you and it`s plain as day. No need to prod Gavin, he is already showing you he cares.
Yes, I am not perfect!
Usage Note: Complement and compliment, though quite distinct in meaning, are sometimes confused because they are pronounced the same. As a noun, complement means "something that completes or brings to perfection" (The antique silver was a complement to the beautifully set table); used as a verb it means "to serve as a complement to." The noun compliment means "an expression or act of courtesy or praise" (They gave us a compliment on our beautifully set table), while the verb means "to pay a compliment to."
What am I? Chopped liver? Of course I read your blog :P.
Confusing and erroneous though it may be.
By the way, erroneous doesn't mean full of error.s I'm just messing with you lolololol
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