This boy has the right idea... but, I'm not too sure about the dog. haha Thanksgiving is here. What are you thankful for? Name your top 3 things you are thankful for on my comments if you like.
I'm thankful for
My furry family members
Narice and the family
Gavin's family
Lee's family
My friends
My co-workers
My managers
I am thankful for everything GOD has made. Even if it kills, everything in this world has a meaning in life and a meaning to him. So if it's here then I'll say thank you for it... even if it scares the life out of me (sharks, snakes, deep dark water, shallow dark water... etc.)
Either way. I love what I have and I am truly thankful for it all.
As for how dinner is going to work out for Thanksgiving.
Gavin and I will be watching the movie with You guys Narice, and then having dinner with Grandma and the gang.
If you would as to be so kind to let me know what movie we are watching, where, and when that would me awesome.
Much love to all of you,
I need to run downstairs and get my cell phone so I can text you this information. Ran around most of the evening, and then plunked down in front of a movie, and then Lee told me the information DURING the movie, and I didn't get up off of the couch to go and find my phone.
But I am going to go and do it RIGHT NOW.
The movie, I think I heard him say is, MADAGASCAR ... and the time is like 11 ... 11 ish? 11 ish. 11 TWENTY.
Maybe not in that order ... cuz SKY has to fit in there somewhere. You know how I love my skies!
Love love love! Mommy
I'm glad you chose not to come over for dinner... because I would have had to miss you. I stayed in bed, sick, all day. I was just DEAD. So, I'm still also waiting to see the movie: I heard it was good!
Let's see... I'm thankful for
my family!
the gospel!
my home...
and amenities
and work
and a car
and yummy food
and fresh air
and nature
and books
and movies
and friends
and gingerbread house day
and ....
By the way, when I first saw the photo from my blog's small window, I thought that somehow you had gotten Toby and Tristan in a cool pose! Love it!
and Hannah
and Becca
and Robert
and Tristan
and Lee-o-pold
and Mom
and Dad
and Narice
and Rick
and Autumn
and Hannah
and Becca
and Robert
and Tristan
and Dawn
and Justin
and Jonathan
and Ziff
and Hannah
and Becca
and Robert
and Tristan
and cars.
and thermos's.
and my house.
and friends.
and medicine.
and heaters and fireplaces.
and chocolate.
and education.
and gingerbread day.
and kindness.
and challenge, because they help me grow.
but I like the kindness better.lol.
Oh yes. .. and laughter.
and funny stories.
and the cute look Pixie and Spike give me when I look out the door.
and beautiful Speedy.
and toasters.
and my turtles and fish.
and my bicycle.
and money. I like money.
and beauty.
and PAINT.
and canvases.
and art pens.
and pencils.
and gel pens.
and clothes.
and comfy beds.
and really good books!
and the gospel.
and Heavenly Father.
and my health.
and your health.
and my family's health.
and discoveries.
and water slides.
and scenery.
and national parks.
and computers.
and old age.
and that trash that has been carried away to dumps doesn't stink all the way to our house.
and blogs.
... and
.... new blog posts from Hannah :)
... and my piano and movies and still rocks.
and paper.
OK. I'll stop now.
maybe. lol
hey ... what's the most comments you have ever had on a post?
have we topped that yet?
Did I happen to mention Honeycomb from Yucaipa?
... or really good illustrations in children's books?
... or for cheese tortillas made by my daughter, Hannah? When I am in a rush to get to work and she feeds me?
... or all of the other kind things she has done for me?
... like driving me to the chiropractor faithfully.
... like driving me to the chiropractor faithfully.
... and rescuing me when I forget my car keys at the train station?
... or how fun it was to go with her to New York and the East Coast (and with Becca and Rob too)
... I sure am lucky.
... and thankful
for my Hannah banana
love love love
love the Hannah banana
...O.o I just say... I have NEVER gotten that many comments on one blog. lol
The most I have ever gotten was like.... 10??? lol
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