On June 4th, 2009 Birch died.
He had been going down hill the last few weeks of his life. June 1st his health seemed to fall of the charts he got really bad. Grandpa figured he would die in two days or so and, I thought a week
. By the morning of June 3rd Birch could no longer walk or stand. I knew he wasn't going to make it the rest of the day. :( But I still called Grandpa in hopes of hearing that he was just tired and he'd be fine the next day. Of course I didn't get the news I was hoping for. (I'm not going to go on... I don't want to make you guys cry or myself again.)

But, I will say this. While I was with him for the last few hours of his life we seemed to have a little boneding moment. In a way I thought he was scared. Every time I dozed off he would claw my hand to keep me awake. I told him he had a good life and it was time for him to go and be happy with God. He didn't seem too keen on that idea yet. By 12:20 I had him on Becca's bed so he could sleep his last sleep on something soft. By the time I woke up again it was 4:40 a.m. and he must of figured that it was a good time to go. Oh, How I miss that silly cat. I'm so used to him walking around and meowing at me to feed him 6 times a day. I remember how I would whine about it but now I would give anything to do it again.
He died in his sleep at the age of 17 pushing 18 years old. I know he was old but that doesn't mean I don't want to keep him longer.

Well, that entire day was hard for me to be in the house alone, with so many memories with that kitty.
So many memories of him sleeping with me too. That was the hardest, going back home and sleeping in my bed without him. I still don't like the idea of Birch gone.
But I figured those of you that read my blog would like to know what is going on is squeaker's world.
Love your pets like there is no tomorrow. You never know when they'll be gone.
Birch was a very good cat. I loved the part of the story where he would gently claw your hand when you would fall asleep as if to say: "Stay with me Hannah .. I don't have many moments left with you."
What a good kitty.
And what a good girl you are. Such a good animal lover.
I love you!
Mommy san
*sneak* *sneak* *sneak*
heh heh heh
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