I got to ride a horse named Zeppelin he is a dressage horse. He was sweet and a lot of fun. He had I raced up and down, the hills. I want to go volunteer there but Gavin says no. :( He says if I get hurt he wouldn't be able to get to me fast enough. The drive was about a hour long this time. It could be as fast as a half hour at times. lol
Here's Gavin on Roland. Roland is at least 6' 9". I was very nervous to be next to him! ><>
Here is Jackie the stable kitten. She liked to bite me ><>
But that was honestly ok! She reminds me of my Princess. I miss her. :(
nice get-a-way trip... looks like fun.
That kitten really DOES look like Princess!!!!
What a cutie. And what an EXCELLENT 2nd anniversary gift.
Glad you guys had so much fun.
I love you!
Momma san
Any family of Wenderilla is welcome to visit Gracie's blog anytime. Gracie loves Wenderilla.
Thanks for stopping by.
Now ... howzabout a new post for all of us to read?
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