Monday, May 2, 2011

I've been gone too long.

Once again I vanished from this place known to me as "blog spot". I have been very busy with my book. I'm well on my way to the halfway point. I'm VERY excited about it since I plan to send it out to a publisher by the end of this year. =)
As short as this post may be I have to go and get ready for work. *mumbles under breathe* I honestly forgot my password.
*clears throat* Now that I know what it is though, I can post a WHOLE lot more! =) I have been doing photo shoots with my sister so I can post those up too I'm SO happy to be back! I'm also surprised I have followers. I feel special! =)

Once again I have a link connected to my title so enjoy the video. The song has been used too much but I have never heard it played this way. It looks amazing and I'm sure the person put a lot of work into it. So go show some love. =)

You all have a marvelous day! I'll post pictures tonight!

<3 Squeak


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