Sunday, July 22, 2007

The rest of Prom..........

This is Brooke and me having a quick hug before we eat and had a blast in the limo! VERY fun times...... yes I know I said these would come sooner but they come when they come!lol
DANCING!!!! I love dancing! Well I love it now!lol That was a really fun night.... we got home at....... 2 or 3!lol But now me and my friends plan to wear our gowns and go somewhere and wear our gowns again!
My Nathalie and me! On our way to the dance. Some of the best times is before a party..... I loved it
We SO could have eaten the camera then and there!lol But it is a good picture none the


Wendster said...

I can hear the cat calls now!

Swoopref said...

Have your mom buy you a proper digital camera!!!

Swoopref said...

OK...check the date...Time for a new post.