Thursday, February 7, 2008


JJ amd Nat two of my best friends ^-^ I don't really know what they were doing besides eatting the GREAT food her mom made....
JJ and ME! ^-^ That was a really fun night for all of us we all had fun ^-^ dancing.... we watched a movie... and kinda lit fierworks right at 12 lol
This is Eze he is Gavin's BEST friend. I swear it to you they are PRETTY much brothers just... from different mom's hehehehe But he's great
Going top left to bottom right: Me, Gavin, Nathan, JJ, Nat, Liana, and Eze it was 1:11 when we took this pic. ^-^ one of the first of that year =) Good times good times and more to come ^-^
left to right JJ, Mrs. Aunty, Nat, and Me ^-^ the party was dieing down and so were our sugar highs hahahaha


Swoopref said...

So many parties out there!

Wendster said...

So little time.

Which party to go to first?

Wendster said...

New post? :) ?

I love when you have new posts!!!